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Friday 14 March 2025

Student Use
Department Use
Internal Use
Library Closed
Checked Out


Service Hours of Project Room

Term Time: Mon-Fri 09:00-20:30 Sat 09:00-16:30
Campus Holiday or Summer Break: Mon-Fri 09:00-16:30 Sat 09:00-11:30
Sunday & Public Holiday: Closed

Guide and Regulation of Project Room

  1. Project room is intended for Groups of 3 or more.
  2. Each user can reserve up to 1 hour per day.
  3. Please visit the circulation counter and show the registered user’s student/staff card to borrow the Room Key.
  4. User(s) can access the Project Room by using the Room Key during the reservation period.
  5. When finish using the Project Room, please lock the door and return the Room Key to circulation counter immediately.
  6. Registered user must report on-site within 15 minutes of the reserved session, otherwise LRC has the right to cancel the reservation.
  7. All user(s) should access Project Room through the Main Entrance of LRC.


學期期間: 星期一至五 上午9時至下午8時30分, 星期六 上午9時至下午4時30分
學院假期或夏季時間: 星期一至五 上午9時至下午4時30分 上午9時至上午11時30分
星期日或公眾假期: 關閉


  1. 研習室僅供三人或以上團體使用
  2. 每人每日最多可預約1小時
  3. 請到借書處以預約者的學生/職員証借取房間鎖匙
  4. 使用者於預約期間可使用鎖匙進出研習室
  5. 當完成使用後, 請鎖好房門並立即將鎖匙歸還借書處
  6. 使用者須在已預約時間的十五分鐘內報到,否則本館有權收回該段預約
  7. 所有使用者必須經學習資源中心正門進出研習室
Terms of Use
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